Thank You to All Our Glass Blowers!
Why is La Soufflerie a non-profit and why are we thankful
for all of the wonderful people we work with?
The art of handmade glass is a tough job. It takes at least ten years to hone the craft of glassblowing to be able to create one of the bottles we design. It is an art passed on from generation to generation. Why is this? Because we are 100% handmade and mouth-blown. No machines, no intervention. Just the artisan and the melted glass.
Being in front of an oven that is 1200 degrees is only for the hardest of workers.
Recreating the same object over and over again with no help from any machinery is an acquired skill that requires extreme focus and patience.
The glassblowers we work with are our mentors. Day after day, week after week, blowing the perfect prototype and the perfect glass you can drink out of. Devoted and never doubting our designs or our philosophy; They accompany us in our dream of keeping glass blowing alive.

It is with profound respect that we work with these amazing artisans. This is why we want to “give back”. We give back our proceeds, we invest in new ovens, new materials, and of course, more glass! Our mission is to educate and mentor new glass blowers to keep this ancient tradition alive. A tradition that is not only 100% sustainable and ecological but also creates jobs.

We thank all the people we work with: our recycled glass suppliers, the workers in the studio who upkeep our ovens, the talented glass artists who blow our glasses, and our faithful studio crew who wash each object when it comes out of the oven.

Today we want to give thanks to our amazing team of glassblowers.
Thank you for your hard work, your devotion, and your amazing work in the hardest working conditions. Thank you for your cut hands, your burnt fingers, your smiles, and your trust.
You are what makes La Soufflerie what it is today!